
Our NewLink Wales team work with several of the UK’s leading bodies to deliver relevant, detailed course content, backed up by the knowledge and capabilities of our training staff.


Qualifications are real, solid proof of knowledge and skills, and provide a boost to employability. Every year we work with candidates to help them achieve their goals, and we’ve qualified individuals across large areas of the substance misuse and wider wellbeing sectors.

We’re a well-established Qualifications Centre for City and Guilds, Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), Agored Cymru and Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), so we’re able to offer a wide range of qualifications relevant to the substance misuse sector.

Who delivers your qualifications?

Our Qualifications lead is Tracey Kelly-Bosomworth. Tracey’s worked in the Substance Misuse Sector for 20 years. She is accredited for ILM Level 3 and 5, and RSPH-Infection Protection Control for Special Procedures Level 2. Tracey is IQA (TAQA level 4) qualified, and has a PcET degree in Teaching and a Health and Social Care Diploma.

Training, Assessment and Quality Assurance (TAQA)

If you’re working within a quality assurance role, you should have a nationally recognised qualification.

These qualifications are open to people carrying out assessments and quality assurance in most learning environments, including FE, Adult Continuing Learning, Employers and Third Sector.

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Practitioner Qualifications

Take a look at the range of qualifications we’re currently offering for practitioners in the substance misuse and wider health sectors, including Health and Wellbeing Diplomas.

Show me Practitioner qualifications

ILM Qualifications

We’ve been an Institute of Leadership and Management Centre since 2008, and we offer qualifications at levels 3 and 5.

Show me ILM qualifications

Employability and Personal Development

These qualifications have put been together to make sure they’re useful to as many people as possible: young people and adults, those who are pre-employment, in employment, or between jobs.

They’re designed to help you enhance your personal skills, and the qualities and attitudes that employers in the vocational sector are looking for. They’re also suitable if you’re looking to progress to further learning.

Show me Employability and Personal Development qualifications

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