Cyfryngau defnyddiol ar gyfer Lles ac Iechyd Meddwl

YMWADIAD: Mae’r holl wefannau, podlediadau, llyfrau a fideos isod i gyd yn cael eu creu a’u rhannu gan bartïon allanol, nid yw Platfform yn gyfrifol am unrhyw gynnwys y maent yn ei rannu.

Gwnaethom ofyn i’n staff a’n partneriaid rannu eu hargymhellion ar gyfer ysbrydoli erthyglau, llyfrau a phodlediadau sy’n gysylltiedig â lles ac iechyd meddwl. Dyma’r hyn y daethant ohono.


The Blurt Foundation: cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth a dealltwriaeth o iselder
Thrive Global: Yn lleihau straen ac yn hyrwyddo iechyd a lles
The Mix – Essential support for Under 25s: –Mental health and support for under 25s
Staying Safe: adnoddau, cyngor a gwybodaeth i bobl sy’n profi meddyliau am hunanladdiad


Happiful Magazine
Calm Moment
Psychologies Magazine
The Happy Newspaper


Happy and Calm – Fearne Cotton
Mad Girl – Bryony Gordon
Reasons to stay alive / Notes on a Nervous Planet – Matt Haig
The Goddess Revolution – Make Peace with Food, Love Your Body and Reclaim Your Life
Body Positive Power – Megan Jayne Crabbe
How to survive the end of the world (when it’s in your head) – Aaron Gillies
I thought it was just me (but it isn’t) – Brené Brown
Ikagai – Hector Garcia
Recovery – Russell Brand
Mentors – Russell Brand
How to be Human – Ruby Wax
The life changing magic of not giving a f**k – Sarah Knight
The little book of inner peace – Ashley Davis Bush
Self-Care for the Real World – Nadia Narain
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself – Dr Joe Dispenza
A Guide to Being Mental an A-Z – Natasha Devon
Lost Connections – Johann Hari


Mad World – Bryony Gordon
Happy Place – Fearne Cotton
Feel Better, Live More – Dr Rangan Chatterjee
The Calmer You Podcast – Chloe Brotheridge
Your Anxiety Toolkit – Kimberley Quinlan
Griefcast – Cariad Lloyd
Under the Skin – Russell Brand

Ted Talks

Ymwybyddiaeth Ofalgar

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
How to tame your wandering mind
The art of stillness 


Want to be happy? Be grateful
Want to be happier? Stay in the moment
The habits of happiness
Flow, the secret to happiness


The importance of self-care
The power of vulnerability


How to make stress your friend
In praise of slowness
How to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed

Cymorth Cyntaf Emosiynol

Why we all need to practice emotional first aid


Efallai y bydd gennych ddiddordeb mewn