My story (anonymous)
“Every problem was attributed to EUPD and dismissed. Life was basically a nightmare.”

Author wishes to remain anonymous
Diagnosed BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) 1999, but no-one told me till 2012!!
HATE term personality disorder, later changed to EUPD (Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder). Great(!) So much worse and so insulting.
EVERY problem was attributed to EUPD and dismissed. Life was basically a nightmare. All support hurt more and didn’t help. Was prescribed anti-psychotics for 10 years to control me. 14 years of psychotherapy failed.
THEN, aged 50, I start TRAUMA INFORMED THERAPY. Highly skilled, and I came to understand how my terrible early life caused trauma and stuck in this all my life. Came off all psych meds. Got my brain back, and emotions, curiosity and more…
Had muscle problems caused by anti-psychotics, permanent disability diagnosis of tardive dyskinesia and tardive dystonia. Terrible time. Pain.
Therapist, yoga, vagus nerve work – gradually finally healing and connecting with lost AUTHENTIC self.
Ah wow, what a journey and I am so, so lucky.
Speak your truth: your own experiences can help create change
If you want to share your experiences around this diagnosis you can take part in Platfform’s Truth Project.
Platfform are campaigning for a review of the use of the diagnosis of PD. Add your voice to our call for change by sharing your story. We will share these with Welsh Government and use them to strengthen our campaign.
For more information, and to access the survey, click here.
If you are in a mental health crisis, please read this paragraph
If you have been affected by anything in this story and would like to talk to someone you can call Samaritans on 116 123. You can also call the national mental health support line for advice on 111 (press 2.)