Share your story: the diagnosis of personality disorder
Platfform has been campaigning to have the use of the diagnosis in Wales reviewed. We want to make space for people’s stories to be heard within those calls for change.

For many, a diagnosis of personality disorder gets in the way of being seen and understood, masking experiences of trauma or other difficulties. It changes the way others and services see people.
Platfform has been campaigning to have the use of the diagnosis in Wales reviewed. We want to take this further by making space for people’s experiences and stories about being given this diagnosis. We know that for some the diagnosis can be helpful and we want to hear these stories too.
We also understand the importance of being seen and heard but know mental health services and others are not always the best at doing that. We want to change that. All the stories shared with us will be shared on this page as part of our Truth Project. We will also use those stories to campaign for change. To find out more click the link below.