My story (anonymous)
“I was told I would never be able to live alone. I now live independently.”
Author wishes to remain anonymous
I was told on a few occasions I had a diagnosis of BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) when I had experienced a lot of trauma growing up, I finally got sectioned at 21 for 9 months and was told I’d need ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) and never be able to live alone, I was kept in hospital with no help while they tried to find supported living facilities for me due to my ‘severe PD.’
Fast-forward 5 years: I now live completely independently, discharged from all services where I’ve managed to convince them to remove the diagnosis before hand. I’ve nearly finished a degree at university.
The way I was treated has scared me enough to never seek support ever again in my life. Personality disorders shouldn’t exist and should definitely not be allowed to be diagnosed in teenage girls based on the fact of one person’s opinion.
Speak your truth: your own experiences can help create change
If you want to share your experiences around this diagnosis you can take part in Platfform’s Truth Project.
Platfform are campaigning for a review of the use of the diagnosis of PD. Add your voice to our call for change by sharing your story. We will share these with Welsh Government and use them to strengthen our campaign.
For more information, and to access the survey, click here.
If you are in a mental health crisis, please read this paragraph
If you have been affected by anything in this story and would like to talk to someone you can call Samaritans on 116 123. You can also call the national mental health support line for advice on 111 (press 2.)