Helping others

Helping others can also help you to feel good by creating a positive change in your mood and emotions. By helping others you are not focusing on yourself and any of your own concerns but on other’s needs, this can help to give you a greater connection to others and create a sense of belonging with your community.

When you actively help others it can help lower your stress levels which in turn will help both your physical and mental health. By helping someone with an act of kindness you can inspire others to do so as well and the potential for support grows.

Ideas for how to help others:

  1. Donate unwanted clothing or items
  2. Volunteer your time and skills
  3. Be a good friend
  4. Do a random act of kindness. There are some nice ideas here.

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  • Get involved

    You can get involved in our work in a variety of ways:, collaborate with us, join us in our campaign to make a change or donate to us.