System change
We believe that the mental health system and wider health, social care and public sector systems need to be radically reformed.
What is system change?
The mental health and wider health, social care and public sector systems need to be radically reformed.
Our Manifesto for Change
We’re calling for an evolution in the way that mental health is understood and treated. Read about our recommendations in our Manifesto for change.
Policy and Influence
Our fundamental influencing priority is the prevention of trauma and the promotion of recovery/healing for those who do experience trauma.
Lessons from lockdown report
This report brings together what was learned during lockdown, what it means for the health of our current system, and how these experiences may fuel future change.
New System Alliance: Wales
The New System Alliance is a group of people and organisations working across the UK to change the system so it puts people first, not process.
The Truth Project
Platfform’s Truth Project is our approach to hearing and bearing witness to people’s experiences. We will be looking at different aspects of the mental health system, and more widely, to understand what is happening to people.