HomeSystem changeNew System Alliance: Wales

New System Alliance: Wales

The New System Alliance is a group of people and organisations working across the UK to change the system so it puts people first, not process.

We are facilitating the New System Alliance in Wales. What does that mean? It means we are here to build a powerful force for change in our country. We are deliberately avoiding the word ‘leading’, because we want to be equal partners with people and organisations across Wales.

If you are passionate about changing systems, breaking the old ways of working and finding new ways to put people ahead of process, you’re in the right place.

Is it person-led, transitional and strengths-based approaches you want to explore? Perhaps being trauma-informed, or asset-based community development, or local area coordinators? Whatever the approach you are taking, if you are using these approaches to work for real, meaningful changes to the system, you’re in the right place.

And are you willing to get involved, to work to put people first, to act as equals and to share ideas freely? If so – again – you’re in the right place.

If you want an initial chat about your ideas or how to get involved, email Oliver Townsend. For more information about the wider UK New System Alliance, please visit the Alliance’s website.