Wisdom from housing
We partnered with Caredig and the New System Alliance to conduct a ‘Wisdoms’ piece of work – listening to staff and tenants.

Last year, we partnered with Caredig housing association and the New System Alliance to conduct a ‘Wisdoms’ piece of work – listening to staff and tenants. Caredig had committed to moving towards a trauma informed way of working, and were interested in how that felt to people on the ground.
Platfform used the ‘Wisdoms’ approach, developed by Mayday Trust, to engage in deep listening exercises across the organisation to see what went well, what could be improved, and also to develop learning for other organisations going on that journey.
Caredig have been working hard to move towards a trauma informed way of being – with both tenants and staff. Recognising that the move towards this can be difficult, and can throw up different feelings, we offered through the New System Alliance to explore staff and tenant experiences and feelings of their attempt to change their system. They are now sharing their findings publicly in the report below.
Get in touch with our Head of Partnerships and Practice, Oliver Townsend to find out how we could work with your organisation in this way,
Sign up to become part of the New Systems Alliance here.