I’d like to share my story
Here’s where you can share your experiences of acute and crisis mental health care in Wales

Thank you for your interest in being part of shaping the future of acute and crisis mental health care in Wales.
If you would like to attend a discussion, please register your interest before sharing a story.
If you have already registered, or would like to share your story without attending a discussion, you’re in the right place!
Stories sent to us will form part of our report to NHS Wales. They may also be shared publicly or with others to help create better services. If you choose, your story may also be one of those discussed at the events.
We cannot share all stories, but every story will be read. All experiences will shape the report to NHS Wales, which will inform the future of services.
Share your story
Important information
Stories shared with this project may be shared with other organisations or published publicly, either by Platfform or NHS Wales. Stories can be anonymised for external use if required.
Stories shared, and discussions within group events, will be used anonymously to form part of the report to NHS Wales. Both stories and the final report will be retained as intellectual property of the NHS Wales Executive – this is to ensure that experiences can continue to be shared in future, and can continue to be part of changing and shaping systems and services.
Personal data shared with Platfform will not be shared with anyone else, except if you have given permission for us to share your real name alongside your story. You may wish to take part on future events relating to shaping services – if so we will ask your permission to share your details with our NHS Wales partner to help facilitate this.