1. A storm to weather: why I’m still fighting for homelessness funding

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    Oliver Townsend has been part of campaigns to protect housing support funding for almost a decade. Now, as many in the sector are warning things are harder than they've ever seen, he reflects on whether we can hold onto hope.

    12 December 2023
  2. Hope is a way of being – what could that mean for communities?

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    At Platfform, we believe hope is a way of being, a process. It is why we are excited that we have received funding from the Moondance Foundation for two years of a ground-breaking project in the Caerphilly area.

    03 April 2023
  3. Asset Coaching: healing, human relationships in a broken system

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    Positive relationships have been talked about for a long time in housing and support. It’s not a new idea. However, with each year we see more often that our systems get in the way of building positive relationships.

    02 November 2022
  4. Feeling our way through change

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    I have been on a significant learning journey during my time at Platfform, I am coming to understand more how our feelings about our work, and changes to it, can impact on how we act. It is why I am particularly proud of the Wisdoms work that we did alongside Caredig housing association.

    07 September 2022
  5. Trans Awareness Week: the challenges and joys of realising and understanding who you are

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    In a society that spends so much time defining people by whether they have a male or female body, realising that yours doesn’t match up with your identity can be a profoundly difficult situation to navigate. Adding to that, the intense media speculation and frequently heated debate on the matter can have a significant effect on your mental health.

    12 November 2021
  6. Nothing right without a fight

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    There are thousands of skilled, passionate, amazing people throughout Wales working hard to make changes for people going through tough times. And yet something gets in the way. That something is the system.

    06 July 2021
  7. Radical changes, made together: the New Systems Alliance

    Oliver Townsend

    Head of Connections and Change

    We are committed as a group of organisations, to change. We will break down the barriers that people face, we will hold a mirror to our own shortcomings, and we will build consensus for a new way.

    10 November 2020