1. Listening from Lockdown

    Guest Contributor

    As some of us emerge from our four walls and others from the relentless work on the coalface we want to dive in to how this is all feeling and what sense we can make of it.

    03 July 2020
  2. Kindness as the new black?

    Guest Contributor

    If a kindness lens helps us reflect more compassionately on our own motives for being and doing then that can bring enlightenment, which can, in turn, motivate change, it has for me.

    21 May 2020
  3. This could be why you’re depressed or anxious

    Johann Hari


    In this thought-provoking talk, journalist and author Johann Hari shares fresh insights on the causes of depression and anxiety from experts around the world - as well as some emerging solutions.

    22 January 2020
  4. Kind Cardiff: ordinary people

    Guest Contributor

    The simplicity and accessibility of kindness is a powerful call to action, it can tie us deeply to collectives of friends, families and groups, and to causes bigger than ourselves.

    13 November 2019
  5. Reading List

    Guest Contributor

    A book full of wisdom, experience and a passion for change that we cannot recommend enough.

    26 September 2019